Projects // Hakk // CODA Paper Art 2015
Installation for CODA Museum, Netherland's, Paper Art Biennale 2015.
‘Hakk' is to weave in Arabic. I drew on imagery I grew up with in India to make this work. I’ve spent the better part of my life in New Delhi - a city that’s home to people with different religious beliefs and diverse economic backgrounds. Inspite all the differences, arabesque patterns repeat themselves over and over again in the temples, mosques, old architecture and contemporary design alike. This work proposes a place where faith, culture and individual identities meet. Correlating toour various identities and attempts to appear not as we are, the medium of paper appears to be fabric when its not. On another level, all these identities in India, co-exist much as threads in a tapestry, where some differences are so striking and other boundaries so blurred that it is difficult to pin point where one faith and culture begins and another ends.
Archival safe papers and glue