In Action
Interview on The Design files here.
My technique involved thinking long and hard about how paper could be used in a completely new way. Paper because I've always felt comfortable with the medium and can "think in paper". Also, its ease of availability suits my - must make this now - approach to art. I wanted to make something that has a lot of detail and texture that viewers want to touch and feel. I'm inspired by the myriad of sensory pleasures I experienced growing up in India.
I hand cut and curl thousands of strips of paper from archival safe papers. These are then glued onto hand drawn patterns to create an infinite paper tapestry. The 3D nature of these tiny curls, empty spaces, shadows and continuity create a visual energy and rich texture in the works. I experience 'flow' while doing this work, which I try to recreate for the audiences.

My hope is that those who see this work will be able to slow down, even if for a few minutes and revel in the beauty that lies in small details - not just in the work but everywhere around us.